"Your family doctor at your fingertips !"

eDoctor - The next step in web based health....

eDoctor came into existence due to the pressing requirement of Sri Lanka people who never had any web based medical help for their own life styles.
eDoctor came into existence due to the pressing requirement of Sri Lanka people who never had any web based medical help for their own life styles. 
 All web based medical help sites were designed to foreign life styles. www.edoctor.lk aim is to bring up a healthy life for a better tomorrow. If people are healthy, they will be wealthy saving money spent on medicines and when they are healthy they are happy too.

People who fall sick, usually seek their laymen friends’ help, to find a doctor who are suitable for their medical condition. But now eDoctor Team is their to guide a sick person to early diagnosis and swift recovery at an early stage. With eDoctors' initial medical advice being available online, you will start to feel that there is a doctor just at your door step.

It's being observed that Sri Lankan people are shy to discuss their personal and sensitive issues like sexual problems openly – here eDoctor has the facility to provide you all necessary answers to your sensitive problems, even without knowing your identity. With day by day word of teenagers become stranger, with complex relationship issues, psychological problems and sexual problems. No matter what the stress is– eDoctor respond to your anonymous requests.

If your obese or very thin, to get you back on the track,  eDoctor has specialized advisory service on diet and nutrition according to individual needs.  Nutritional advice to avoid high-cholesterol, diabetes, and high blood pressure and stay healthy are also on the eDoctor’s menu.  

With advice on what tests to be done for your particular ailment, eDoctor assists you to take reports to your specialist on the 1st visit, to make it easy for diagnosis.  A patient can upload his/her diagnosis test reports, scan reports on to the net and eDoctor can down load and study it carefully and advice you on your next move, saving lot of unnecessary money and time at hospitals.

Patients are now educated and wants to know side effect and interaction on drugs that they take regularly, so that they could be cautious.  Sometimes patients forget to inform their specialists regarding other drugs they in-take, in this case after coming home patients can consult eDoctor on how to avoid drug-interaction and get proper answers.

Other services provided by eDoctor are maintaining of your medical records in a data base which can be accessed by doctors or patients while abroad for consultation purposes, advice on vaccines and immunization programmes for children, and about various options of medical or surgical procedures for patients as well as their relatives.

eDoctor newsletter is published weekly, and it gives an  in-depth knowledge to the reader, burning health topics and  common diseases and advice on how to avoid them.

eDoctor workshops on computer vision syndrome, correct posture to sit  at the workstation (ergonomics) , breast cancer awareness programme, are  instances where this panel of doctor s take the burden to step out of the web and go offline to promote healthy workstation for a productive tomorrow, at your own institutions.

 Best is that you visit the web www.edoctor.lk site for details.


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