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Guide to Managing real life Case scenarios- “MEDICALit” Emergency care competition

“MEDICALit” Emergency care competition
Guide to Managing real life Case scenarios

Fainting Attack

A dummy with severe head injury is on scene. He is dead and gone already.
His relative witnessing the scene has fainted. The competitors are unaware that he has fainted. Tell them that one person was fallen from a height and the other witnessing the event collapsed. The competitors are expected to assess the diseased, that he has no pulse, no breathing and his brain matter are out. Triage basics are assessed it’s best to leave dead alone or employing just one person to him and other two handling the fainted person Fainted actor is expected to gain consciousness when legs are elevated and case is complete when put to recovery position.

Fainting Attack-Steps to follow

Basic Triage and avoiding already dead person
Air way, Breathing and Circulation assessment of both subjects
Untie tight clothing
Elevate legs
Recovery position
Accuracy in techniques
Completing the task in time

Major Bleeding(forearm)

An actor telling that he got a cut from a wood cutting machine mimics bleeding from a major vessel in the forearm. He may act panicked and is expected to settle with a word of reassurance. Splints, clothes, binding material available in the vicinity are expected to be utilized. Position. They are expected to prevent subject from drinking water a to keep him fasting for General Anaesthesia.

Major Bleeding(forearm-Steps to follow)
Expose and assessment of injury
Assessment of distal pulse
Compression of major artery
Avoiding oral feeds
Completing the task in time/Working Diagnosis

Fracture Femur

An athlete following triple jump experienced sever pain of the R/thigh with the fall. He is unable to stand up. Actor may shout in agony. Competitors are expected to proceed according to the steps in the marking scheme. They can use the splints available at the vicinity for splinting. Case is complete when splinting is complete and ready to evacuate. They are expected to prevent subject from drinking water a to keep him fasting General Anesthesia.

Fracture Femur
Leadership/Working Diagnosis
Assessment of the site and reassurance
Immobilize and splinting
Assessment of distal pulse (Before and after splinting)
Accuracy in splinting techniques
Avoiding oral feeds
Completing the task in time
Ankle Sprain
An office worker is tipped from stairs and says he cannot bare weight on Right foot, as the ankle is hurting. Competitors are expected to proceed according to the marking scheme and should have the doubt that it could even be a fracture.
Case is complete when splinting is complete and ready to evacuate. They are expected to prevent subject from drinking water a to keep him fasting General Anaesthesia.
If evacuation stretcher is not available, ask how they expect to evacuate him. (Flat with affected leg elevated.)

Ankle Sprain
Leadership/Working Diagnosis
Assessment of site
Complete task in time
Choking Attack
Suddenly a classmate has started acting panicked holding his throat, while eating “Rambutan”. He has choked “Rambutan” seed. He’s unable to talk. Competitors are expected to proceed according to the steps laid down in the marking scheme and attempt up to “Heimlich” maneuver and even repeating back blows. Actor is expected to split out something when the competitors are repeating a maneuver, implying the completion of the case

Choking attack
Leadership/Working Diagnosis
Reassure the patient/encourage coughing
ABC assessment
Avoid attempt to manually remove
Back blows
Heimlich maneuver attempt
Repeat maneuvers
Emergency number


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